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ActualMeds provides web-based solutions to facilitate patient data collection and automate coordination of care for Medication Management in patients with chronic diseases such as hypertension, congestive heart failure, diabetes, etc.. The solution is optimized for older adult patients who typically have multiple chronic conditions and the most complex therapeutic regimens. The program was developed in part with funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and captures patient self-reported information about Observations of Daily Living (ODL), medications (including Rx, OTC and supplements), and symptoms and conditions, as structured data. It also receives biometric data such as blood pressure, weight or blood glucose from devices. All of these data are reduced by a rules- based framework to generate a SmartList™ of medications and potential risks for the patient that can be shared with their healthcare provider, family or a trusted caregiver. The solution also provides content and coaching that adapts to the patient’s conditions. Follow ActualMeds on Twitter, or find them on LinkedIn or AngelList.

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